Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our Road to Personalized Learning in Math

We are gearing up to launch personalized learning in our classroom with math as our first focus.  We have been preparing and practicing the components of what a day in math will look like once everyone is working at the lesson and pace they need.  To do this we have all been working on the same lesson each day.  Once we "launch" personalized math next unit, students may be working on different lessons entirely from the rest of their classmates, or they may be working at the same speed as multiple students in our class.  Ultimately the learning path they take will be formed around the pace they learn best.  For some that may mean they are able to rapidly master material independently, for others it may mean they work well in a partnership or small group, and for some guided instruction by a teacher may be the best option.  As we dive into this new endeavor, we will be able to better articulate the best way for us to learn.

Take a look at the steps we are taking!

Step 1: Lessons are given over video by Mrs. Becker.  Students understand which materials they will need for the lesson, and can choose the location at which they want to learn at for the day.  If they are on a similar lessons, peers can choose to work in partnerships or groups to complete tasks.

Step 2:  Students use manipulatives, white boards, or their math journals to actively participate in the video lesson targeting a specific learning goal.  They are asked to pause the video multiple times to work through questions.  At any time a student can find a teacher for clarification on a video topic.

Step 3: Students demonstrate their understanding of the learning through their math journals, and understand where check points are to check with a teacher to make sure they are understanding the learning goal and objectives.

Step 4: Mrs. Becker circulates to check in on students and answers questions and gives mini tutorials as the need arises.  She pulls small groups of students to work on specific instruction or works one on one with students to fine tune skills.

Step 5  (to come):  Students will follow a learning plan to determine the course at which they complete lessons.  This will be determined by pre tests (to determine learning gaps and needs) as well as previous completion of activities and lessons.

Step 6 (to come):  Students will be able to work through their paths at a pace which allows them to gain understanding of the learning targets, they will also have the opportunity to participate in math projects and challenges which will target real world problem solving skills as well.

Team Building: Cup Stacking Challenge

Cup Stacking Challenge!

Students were tasked with making a 6 cup pyramid without being able to actually touch the cup.  They were given a rubber band with strings attached.  Each student could only touch one string, and they had to work together to pull the rubber band wide enough to be able to grab the cup securely.  Take a look at how we worked together!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Take a look at our Blogs!

Head to the student websites tab on this blog to take a look at all of our personal blogs!  Each week we are given a blogging challenge.  We work on different learning targets that we have been introduced to each week within our blog post.  You will notice our latest post practiced writing an essay with a thesis statement, reasons, and a conclusion.  We also practice commenting on others posts with questions, feedback, or appreciations.  

We would love to hear your questions, feedback, and appreciations as well!  Log on and let us know what you think about our writing!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

OSMO for Ipad

Our class has the exciting opportunity to pilot a new add on for Ipads!  OSMO is a learning tool that attaches to our ipad, and comes with different learning activities.  It allows us to manipulate activity pieces on a surface outside of the ipad, and recognizes what we are moving/manipulating on the ipad.  Today we checked out the Tangram learning experience.  The app on the ipad showed us an outline of a picture, and we were able to manipulate the tangram pieces on the table to put the picture together.  The app then recognizes which pieces we have put in the correct location and fills them in within the picture.  How Cool!  Soon, we will also try out a word activity and an engineering activity!  
Take a look at us in action! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Scholastic Book Order

(click on picture to go to site)

Weekly Update

WI Map skills

Today we practiced finding cities in Wisconsin using the legend of a map and the coordinates the legend gives for each city!  We found some popular tourist destinations as well as some tiny towns and cities!  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Check out our new Reading Incentive! Reading Super Stars!!

Each student has a goal this year to read at least 20 chapter books.  This goal can be accomplished by reading at both home and school!  Each chapter book that a 4th grader reads will earn them a Reading Superstar charm to be placed on their lanyard on our reading superstar bulletin board!  Look at all the charms we've already earned this year!!